Photo: Laura Vanzo/Visit Tampere
Relax, enjoy the music, and the steamship’s services amidst the beautiful scenery of Lake Näsijärvi.
Creating the atmosphere:
1.6. Riku Poramo Trio
24.8. Nekala Jazz Club.
Laukontorin lipunmyynnistä tai laivalta ostettaessa lippujen hintaan lisätään 2 € palvelumaksu. Oikeudet muutoksiin pidätetään. Tarkistathan toteutuvat risteilyt ja ajantasaiset aikataulut tapahtumakalenteristamme.
Nekala Jazz Club serves up both new and old tunes, originals and covers, with a relaxed jazzy flair. The band shapes its sound in its rehearsal space located in Nekala.
Playing on the Hopealinja boats for the fourth summer season, Nekala Jazz Club can be spotted this summer as well on the ships or at the Viikinsaari brunch. The atmosphere always warms up, whether it’s a balmy summer evening cruise on the s/s Tarjanne or a cooler weather Christmas party cruise on the m/s Silver Sky.
In addition to the waterways of Pirkanmaa, the band has also performed on stages such as the Viihdepalatsi Wine Festivals and even in local bars in Nekala.